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Bryan's Soap Boxes

The rants n' Ravings of this luney concerning fitness and all things involved with fitness (soo pretty much everything)


The Art of Trying to do Too Much

Time to don that proverbial benevolent dictator cap and stridently proclaim the biggest way to reach fitness success!  And here you all thought I’d give it away in the first sentence.  Many struggle at attaining their desired bodies and their desired muscular profiles for a variety of reasons: diet, workout regimen, sleep, adherence, and countless personal reasons that tend to prevent so many from being active.  Let’s take a step back and look at the overarching picture and apply a little bit of that science we call psychology.

Carb Cutting: The American Dream

Walking through the hallways of a gym, standing in the locker rooms across America it is near impossible to not hear the murmurings of the elusive carb-cutting regimen unfortunately so many have adopted.  The belief that carbohydrates are the enemy that plague our progress, that hinder our ability to reach those lofty fitness goals; I die a little inside each time I hear these musings.  Let’s practice a new mantra:

“simple and complex carbohydrates keep me running, processed carbohydrate and sugars will slowly and surely kill me”

Proper Protein Intake

One of the largest and one of the most glaring issues I see people bring up ,either in person or online, tends to relate to when and how much protein they should be consuming.  The lovely supplement industry loves to push protein literally down people’s throats, suggesting outrageous amounts are needed for muscle growth and to reach that cut, ripped look that every person under 50 seems to desire!   So this lovely little rant will cover how the body actually utilizes protein, how much protein you need, and ways to tell you are taking too much protein.

Scapulasaurus Rex: Pitfalls of Poor Scapula Control

This issue revolves around the stabilizing and maintaining that stabilization of the scapula throughout shoulder focused movement patterns.  Many are unaware of their scapular lifting off of the back as they make the descent portion of a push-up, many are unaware of when their shoulder blades start looking like a stegosaurus while strenuously holding that straight arm plank. 

Trifecta of Tulmultous Behavior - Sleep
Art of Trying to do Too Much - Pitfall of Expectations

The three greatest influences on you reaching your goals in an effective manner are greatly determined by three key aspects of your life: your stress levels, how much you sleep, and what you eat.  As is always true, the more knowledgeable you are on this subject, the greater control you have toward reaching your goals.  Developing a proper understanding of how these aspects affect your progress.  This will be a three part series focusing on each of these aspects.  Let’s tackle sleep deprivation first!

With the rise of technology we have seen a severe shift in people’s perception concerning gratification to a greater emphasis on instant gratification.  Market focus has shifted to focus on giving the consumer exactly what they desire; we have become a society fixated on instant gratification.  This is rampant throughout the fitness industry, with hundreds of programs promising to lose 20 to 45 pounds of Fat and being the next perfect system that only needs 30 minutes 3 times a week to look PERFECT.  Whatever the flavor of the month is people buy into hook, line and sinker, quickly dropping macronutrients from their diet and adopting this new workout routine that guarantees you will reach perfection.  Now honestly, has this ever worked for any of you?  Ever?   Let's take a look at what really is going on here!

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